seaQuest: The Dawning
Lieutenant Miguel Ortiz
Name: Miguel Alejandro Ortiz
Age: 25yrs
Born: May 21st, 1997
Place of Birth: Orlando, Florida
Rank: Lieutenant; Cheif of Sensors
Completed Year 12 at Edgewater High School, Orlando.
Enrolled in US Naval Academy, specialising in sensors and data retrieval systems, information technology.
Past Assignments:
Assigned to UEO seaQuest, Sensor Cheif
Promoted to Lieutenant after completing the Officer's Exam at Annapolis
Special Skills:
Extensive knowledge of ancient Greek mythology, particularly stories pertaining to the Legend of Atlantis. Fluent in Spanish
Next Of Kin:
Ava Ortiz, born April 1995 (sister)
Daniella Ortiz, born October 2000 (sister)
Gabriella Ortiz, born May 2002 (sister)
Mateo Ortiz, born January 2005 (brother)
Alejandro Ortiz, born March 1969 (father)
Solana Ortiz, born April 1966 (mother)
Horseriding Sketching : pastels and charcoal Alternative rock music from the 1990's, some ballad. Cuban/Spanish cuisine
Medical History:
Broken right arm 2010, rollerblading accident. Broken left wrist 2015, horseriding fall. Sprained ankle 2017, horseriding fall. Suffers from allergies to pollen and dust.